Sacred Essential Practices for Health and Wholeness
Christina Kunkle, RN (Synergy Life & Wellness Coaching) & Arlene McCain, MD (McCain Whole Health Care)
Saturday, 10/2/21, 8 am – 4 pm, Bridgewater, VA
Early Bird registration ends: Sept 18, 2021
Earlybirds save $11 and receive an extra ticket towards Soul Care giveaways!
Investment: $111, includes fireside breakfast, nutritious snacks, wellness lunch, & inspirational giveaways
Space is limited to 11 women
Once registered, you will receive additional details about what to bring and directions to the venue.
When the retreat fills, we will start a wait list for the next retreat offering!
Refreshed by the beauty of fall, you are invited to return home to your inmost Self … to Release & Rise!
Come take a day to honor your individual, and our collective, wisdom.
Come retreat and BE with us, then return to the world and BE THE CHANGE!
Schedule8:00- 8:30 AM
Red carpet welcome: Receive retreat gifts, Fireside breakfast & IgnitingIntentions
8:30- 10:30 AM
Sacred Creation- What do I need to Be?
Grounding and connecting with yourself and nature
Activities: Contemplative Sit, Shin-rin Yoku
10:30 AM- 12 PM
Sacred Expression- What do I need to Know?
Expressing, releasing, and liberating your emotional body
Activities: 5Rhythms Dance, Energy Management & Clearing Techniques
12 – 1:30 PM
Nourishment (Lunch/White Space)
1:30 -2:30 PM Sacred Seeing- What do I need to Have?
Recognizing and receiving your intuitive guidance
Activities: Power questions
2:30- 4 PM Sacred Sharing- What do I need to Do?
Shifting into inspired actionActivities: Circle sharing/Connecting/Closing
Individually we’re a drop, together we’re an ocean- Maya Angelou