What is Reiki Healing?
Relax. Balance. Heal.
Reiki is a form of mindfulness-based energy work focused on enhancing life experience in all areas. It reduces stress, increases relaxation, fuels creativity, and fosters healing. It’s an It can be likened to a form of energetic mindfulness meditation or prayer with the Reiki practitioner serving as a consecrated channel for the flow of spiritually guided Universal source energy to support insight, healing, and empowerment.
How Reiki Works
Reiki helps your body “remember” and return to its balanced state. By identifying and removing stress and toxin-induced energy blocks, Reiki treatment helps you realign your energy and restore your sense of well-being. Reiki practitioners do not “heal” others. They help others heal themselves by establishing an energetic environment in which understanding, balance, and harmony can be restored. The Reiki practitioner supports re-balancing the chakras, allowing the body to return itself to a state of equilibrium and harmony. And the deepest healing always takes place in an environment of harmony.
What are the Benefits of Reiki?
Reiki provides stress reduction and deep relaxation which, in turn, helps your body strengthen its immune system and restore the balance necessary to promote wellness. Reiki has had a positive effect on virtually all types of illness and injury. It can never do harm, and always works for the highest good of the client. The balance of “mind, body and spirit” achieved through Reiki can enable critically ill, terminally ill patients, or those facing chronic pain or surgery, to experience deep calm and relaxation – – it can impact or heal relationships – – relieve the stress and anxiety inhibiting career or other life-changing decisions – – the benefits of Reiki are many. When stress is relieved, and your “energy balance” is restored to a state of harmony, your mind and body are free to focus on achieving and maintaining health and wellness.
- Is Complementary to Western medicine, Counseling, Chiropractic, Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, and Massage.
- Offers unconditional love, support, and healing directly from Source energy.
- Holds the Wisdom of the Creator. It knows what you need, and where the energy is to go.
- Creates inner strength and confidence.
- Heals emotions and thoughts by bringing these into balance.
- Is the highest protection and highest level of energy in the Universe.
- Purifies everything it touches.
- Is Unconditional Love… and Love always conquers Fear.
- Improves memory by balancing the Right and Left sides of the brain.
Reiki and Religion
While the focus of Reiki is spiritual, it is not a religion. The practice of Reiki is in harmony with any religious tradition or spiritual practice that recognizes a Universal Source or Higher Power (by whatever name) and promotes unconditional love, respect, and compassion. Indeed, many religions around the world embrace some form of Reiki as a respected component of their healing practice.
Questions? Let’s Connect!
Christina Kunkle, CTA Certified Life and Wellness Coach, R.N.
- Member of International Association of Reiki Professionals
- Certified Master Reiki Practitioner
- EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Advocate
- Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching, LLC (540) 746-5206
My Certification and experience is in Usui Reiki Tradition
(Lynn Boggess at the Virginia Center for Reiki Training)
- Level I & II 2010
- Level III 2011
- Reiki Master Practitioner 2013
Celebrating The Power of Partnership
I am beyond thrilled to partner with Dr Arlene McCain in weaving Reiki Healing and Holistic Resilience Coaching into Modern Medicine with Collaborative Care Planning. Together our partnership creates Transformative Synergy; amplifying our intentions to help others embrace a higher level of health and well-being than we could have alone.
Shortly after opening my life coaching practice in 2008, I wrote this daily prayer; asking to be divinely guided as I began sharing my work in the world: “God, please use me as an instrument of peace and healing. I turn my personal and professional life over to you. Give me an extra dose of courage and self-confidence as you lead me to cross paths with those who are meant to teach me what I need to learn, as well as those who I’m meant to serve, support, and impact in a positive way through my work and life; Amen”.
This prayer became a catalyst for God-winks that guided me, one step at a time, to be in the divine right places…it sparked a series of coincidences that made me smile, look up, and say “thank you!” One such moment was after meeting Arlene in 2013 at a birthday party, and immediately recognizing her as a kindred spirit. The roles we’ve played in one another’s lives since then have gone through a metamorphosis. First, she became a 1:1 client, then a good friend and group mastermind participant; and then a trusted soul sister. Back when her vision for McCain Whole Health Care was still just a seed, she spoke of “Embracing the Fierce and Feminine in Modern Medicine”.
In a role reversal, I later became her patient; grateful to be on the receiving end of exceptional care and unconditional support during a bout with pneumonia. We’ve intentionally continued growing, dreaming, and laughing together in what we call “Heart-storming sessions”. She has borne witness to my journey through darkness as I healed from past trauma, lending me her strength and light.
We are all called to a Heroine’s (or Hero’s) journey. Much of the path we must walk alone, where we are initiated through trials that lead us to our calling. While we have to do it by ourselves, we cannot and were never meant to do it all alone. We can’t become ourselves, by ourselves! The transformation by fire, so to speak, helps us discover our strength and hone our gifts. Ultimately becoming a unique blend of “medicine” infused with our essence, that we are called to bring back and offer the world. Arlene and I have been walking parallel paths, and while continuing to serve others individually, uniting our strengths offers a complementary blend of soul medicine that Relaxes, Balances, and Heals. All that we’ve shared together has been preparing us for this beautiful, sacred, new collaboration!
Can you imagine the Infinite Possibilities? United we all Emerge more Resilient, Empowered, and Equipped.

What Clients are Saying
“I highly encourage taking advantage of Reiki energy healing with Christina. Keeping our energy fields clear makes all the difference in creating a more balanced healthy “you”. Reiki wards off illness, burnout and depletion, and helps cut through energetic blockages. It’s purifying to the heart and soul, and I am a true believer, as I have seen it transform my life and create balance and a heart centered approach to life that I would not otherwise have. Reiki healing is something you simply must try for yourself!Give yourself the priceless gift of working with Christina. No matter what capacity you decide to do that in, the beauty that she brings to this world, which will ultimately transfer into yours, is a magic you don’t want to miss out on!”~Mandy Leeth, Ameriprise Financial
“Christina is warm and welcoming, creating a space of safety and love. Her Reiki sessions provide deep relaxation, peace and clarity, and an overall sense of well-being.” ~Mary Ansell
“I have had the pleasure of being a Reiki client of Christina Kunkle for 8 years. She is a very skilled practitioner, whom I highly recommend. I went to my first session for emotional healing. I was experiencing deep grief after the death of a cousin, who was like a sister to me. I really didn’t know what to expect, but I remember that when the session was finished, I felt lighter, soothed and much more peaceful. Christina has a special blend of empathy, intuition, and insight that emerges in her practice and allows her to let universal energy flow through her. Using these gifts, she assists her clients clear blockages, receive wisdom and open to healing. I have experienced several different modalities of energy work/healing and found them to be beneficial. I would describe Reiki as gentle, yet strong, and I will continue to see Christina to help keep my energy aligned and balanced.” ~Marsha Mays-Bernard, Dynamic Balance, LLC
“Christina has been instrumental in helping me to clarify my vision for a thriving life and to manifest that in the world. Her blend of heart-centered intuitive coaching, amplifying soul whispers with Reiki, and creating safe spaces with soul sisters are a gift for all who participate! I’m particularly excited for our power partnership, through which Christina has created a soul sanctuary within my holistic medical space where she can offer her services to interested individuals.”~Arlene McCain, MD McCain Whole Health Care“I would recommend Christina’s “Reiki sessions to anyone who desires a peaceful transformation and is seeking a compassionate partner to help you get there! After having exhausted all that Western medicine has to offer, I continue to fight both pain and fatigue. “I sing proudly that I am a cancer survivor, yet plagued with a disease that will require treatments every thirty days- most likely for the rest of my life. ‘I took a step outside of my comfort zone and tried the healing touch that God offered through Reiki and Christina Kunkle.The very first session educated me on energy fields. Christina explained to me how blocked fields can intensify pain and fatigue. We talked intimately and openingly about my emotions, my desires, my successes and my let downs. Identifying these and owning our emotional issues can also affect our energy fields.After the relaxation of lying on the Reiki table – the music, the sensations, the scents – my thoughts and feelings – “I found an inner peace I forgotten possible. I felt lighter and amazingly calmer. That positive force remained with me for days and it was a noticeable change in my normal daily routine.I have just recently experienced my second Reiki session. Although quite different, it was just as powerful. While I still have pain, I am definitely more motivated, have a more positive attitude, and take far less naps! Christine has used Reiki in a way to help me identify where I want to be without pain and fatigue and I feel confident that we are building a relationship that is preparing me for whatever the future holds for me. I would recommend Christina’s “Reiki sessions to anyone who desires a peaceful transformation and is seeking a compassionate partner to help you get there. ~Karen Moats“I have been working with Christina for over six months and she asked me if I would like to participate in a Reiki session. I agreed and then proceeded to do some basic research on what the Reiki experience would involve. While I had a healthy skepticism as to how beneficial Reiki would be for me I remained open to Christina’s suggestion.
It is hard to explain what happened during the Reiki session but it was enlightening. It has been several weeks since I had my Reiki session and I think it made a difference in the subconscious mind that is starting to come to the surface in my conscious state of mind. I feel much more at east and much more comfortable with who I am and how I intend to live my life in the future. I think the most significant change that I have seen is I am much more comfortable with doing things that are in my own best interests so I can be the best person I can be for those people in my life who matter the most. I am living a more authentic life.
I am very pleased with the results and I think it is likely that I will undergo another Reiki session at some point in the future. It is too early to tell if I have just scratched the surface or if I have been able to attain lifelong changes that will allow me to truly live an authentic life.” ~Robert S. ~Robert S. Hahn, Attorney at Law www.bigvalleylaw.com
Tips for your Reiki Healing Treatment
Gentle Healing of Mind-Body-Sprit in a Relaxed & Nurturing Environment
Once we confirm your appointment, I’ll send you to begin a pre-session exercise to gain clarity about what you’d like to focus on during our time together. This will help you arrive with an open mind and a willingness to receive healing for your highest good; it’s perfectly ok if your intention is simply to relax, balance and heal. If you have doubts or are skeptical, it may limit your healing session experience.
We’ll take a few moments to connect, get present, and set intentions. Then, you’ll relax fully clothed on my heated massage table for the treatment session. You’ll enjoy soothing music, soft lighting and signature zen aromatherapy. Reiki is light or no touch; I use a variety of hand positions on your body and the energy field around you. I’ll offer journal prompts to capture your areas of concern, how you’re feeling and what you’d most like to receive in a journal before we begin. Following your treatment, you’ll have private moments to collect your thoughts and hear “soul whispers”. Expect to feel different sensations during treatment. As I channel energy into your energy field, you may feel the energy as coolness, heat, or tingling on your skin. Some clients just feel relaxed, many are more peaceful, and most everyone leaves calm and centered.
Feel free to let me know if you’re cold and need a blanket, or if you are too warm and wish to have covers removed. Prepare for a release of emotions. As your energy field is being healed, previously-stored toxic emotions are released. Some patients are moved to tears and some have an attack of giggles. The emotional release could take any form. Try to drink lots of water in the days following the treatment because you may feel tired or have a headache. This means that toxins are being released from your body. This is a sign that the energy healing treatment is working. Expect to feel an improvement either immediately after the treatment or gradually in the days following. The amount of time it will take for you to feel some improvement will depend on the issues we’re working with. I invite you to have Epsom salts on hand to savor a long soak before going to bed the evening of your treatment.