Ready to Book a Reiki Session or Curious to know more? Let’s Connect!
READY TO STRESS LESS?GIVE YOURSELF THE GIFT OF REIKI TO RELAX. BALANCE. & HEALReady to Book a Reiki Session or Curious to know more? Let’s Connect!
Celebrating The Power of PartnershipI am beyond thrilled to be joining Dr. Arlene McCain as a Power Partner; bringing Reiki Healing and Holistic Resilience Coaching into the sacred space of McCain Whole Health Care. Together our partnership creates Transformative Synergy; amplifying our intentions to help others embrace a higher level of health and well-being than we could have alone. Shortly after opening my life coaching practice in 2008, I wrote this daily prayer; asking to be divinely guided as I began sharing my work in the world: “God, please use me as an instrument of peace and healing. I turn my personal and professional life over to you. Give me an extra dose of courage and self-confidence as you lead me to cross paths with those who are meant to teach me what I need to learn, as well as those who I’m meant to serve, support, and impact in a positive way through my work and life; Amen”. This prayer became a catalyst for God-winks that guided me, one step at a time, to be in the divine right places…it sparked a series of coincidences that made me smile, look up, and say “thank you!” One such moment was after meeting Arlene in 2013 at a birthday party, and immediately recognizing her as a kindred spirit. The roles we’ve played in one another’s lives since then have gone through a metamorphosis. First she became a 1:1 client, then a good friend and group mastermind participant; and then a trusted soul sister. Back when her vision for McCain Whole Health Care was still just a seed, she spoke of “Embracing the Fierce and Feminine in Modern Medicine”. In a role reversal I later became her patient; grateful to be on the receiving end of exceptional care and unconditional support during a bout with pneumonia. We’ve intentionally continued growing, dreaming, and laughing together in what we call “Heart-storming sessions”. She has borne witness to my journey through darkness as I healed from past trauma, lending me her strength. We are all called to a Heroine’s (or Hero’s) journey. Much of the path we must walk alone, where we are initiated through trials that lead us to our calling. While we have to do it by ourselves, we cannot and were never meant to do it all alone. We can’t become ourselves, by ourselves! The transformation by fire, so to speak, helps us discover our strength and hone our gifts. Ultimately, it becoming a unique blend of “medicine” infused with our essence, that we are called to bring back and offer the world. Arlene and I have been walking parallel paths, and are offering our soul medicine to those who are meant to receive it. All that we’ve shared together has been preparing us for this beautiful, sacred, new collaboration! Can you imagine the Possibilities that will Emerge by standing United, Resilient, Empowered and Equipped? |
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